Course Related Issues
Who is an online course designed for?
An online course is designed for students who cannot easily make it to campus on a weekly basis. It is not designed for students who are looking for "an easy course." In fact, it is NOT an easy course. An online course is for students who cannot make it to a physical class or for those who are highly self-motivated and prefer online learning styles.
The main form of communication for this class is supposed to be email, but the instructor/teaching assistant is not responding to my email or just giving very short answers. Why?
I teach 2 or 3 sections of this class online each semester. That means between 80 and 135 students who could potentially email me asking EXACTLY THE SAME QUESTIONS, which of course I get tired of answering. Therefore, BEFORE you email me with a question, please check if the answer is in this FAQ, in the syllabus, and that it has not already been answered in the Discussion Board (which is the best place to ask questions). If none of these factors apply, there could be a problem with your email. If your "reply-to" address is incorrect email will not get to you.
Do I need to buy a textbook?
Absolutely. You cannot pass without one. You need the current edition as well, no exceptions.
I bought a used textbook and there is no registration code to access the protected material on the publisher's web site. Do I need to buy a new code?
For some parts of the web site you will need a passcode to enter. This is a little tricky, because for some people/computers the site is accessible without a passcode, and for other people it is not. First try and see if you can get in without one or with the one in your book. If you can't, or if you don't have a book with a registration code, then you have the option of buying one from the publisher. It is not required however.
Do I need to send you my completed online quizzes?
NO!! Please don't, I don't want to be swamped with unneccesary email. I can check myself that you've done them.
Do my scores on the online quizzes count towards my grade?
Your completion of the Study Quizzes counts towards your final participation grade. I don't count your actual scores, though if they are exceptionally poor (less than 50% correct) I might count that against you.
The fill-in-the-blank quizzes grade my answers wrong even though they are right?
We are aware of this issue - this is one of the reasons we don't count the grades on these quizzes.
How important is it to submit discussion essays on time?
Very important. I won't accept late ones.
When are the discussion assignments actually due?
Midnight on Friday the week they are assigned. Late ones will not be accepted.
What is the exam format?
Multiple choice and map quiz.
Do I need a Scantron form for the exam?
Yes, please bring the short Scantron form (882) and a number 2 pencil.
Do you post grades?
I generally post Midterm and Final Exam grades, and grades on discussion assignments. I cannot post a participation grade because I calculate it at the very end of the semester.
How do you calculate our participation grade?
At the end of the semester I can get statistics from the Blackboard system which tells me how many "hits" each student has on the site. I then create grade ranges, the more hits you have, the better grade you get. I also look to make sure that you've completed the majority of the Study Quizzes, and scored acceptably on them.
Study-Related Issues
I've never taken an online course before. What's the key to doing well?
1. Don't get behind. Do all assignments as they are assigned.
2. Read the book carefully, taking notes as you go.
3. Use all the online materials to help you study.
How do I study for the map quiz component?
Make lots of copies of the map. Write numbers or letters on the blank map to correspond to the place names. Quiz yourself by looking at the blank map and writing down the names on a sheet of paper.
Technical Issues
When I go to Blackboard I get a blank screen. What do I do?
Hit "refresh" or "reload" on your browser.
I forgot my username/password. What should I do?
Don't forget this! Write it down! If you do forget we'll need to contact the campus Blackboard administrator and it might take some time to get the information.
I'm having trouble printing out the maps. Why?
Its a browser/printer combination issue. Adjust the print settings, and in the worst case, try using a different printer.