Current Conditions atop the Humanities Bldg at CSU Fullerton | ||
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The data on this page was collected from high atop the Humanities Building The page should automatically update every minute or so. |
Latest Update: 12/20/24 at 8:44p |
Temperature |
55.4°F | |
Humidity |
83% |
Dewpoint |
50.3°F |
Wind |
WNW at 0.0 mph |
Barometer |
30.217 in & Rising Slowly |
Today's Rain |
0.00 in |
Rain Rate |
0.00 in/hr |
Storm Total |
0.00 in |
Monthly Rain |
0.01 in |
Yearly Rain |
0.10 in |
Wind Chill |
55.4°F | |
THW Index |
55.2°F | |
Heat Index |
55.2°F | |
UV |
0.0 index |
Solar Radiation |
0 W/m² |
Today's Highs/Lows | ||
High Temperature Low Temperature |
68.5 °F at 1:14p 47.3 °F at 6:43a |
High Humidity Low Humidity |
84 % at 7:05a 48 % at 1:01p |
High Dewpoint Low Dewpoint |
53.0 °F at 5:42p 40.0 °F at 5:39a |
High Barometer Low Barometer |
30.238 in at 10:23a 30.139 in at 12:14a |
High Rain Rate |
0.00 in/hr at ---- |
Low Wind Chill |
47.0 °F at 5:53a |
High Heat Index |
67.0 °F at 12:53p |
High UV |
1.7 index at 11:43a | |
High Solar Radiation |
510 W/m² at 11:46a |